Sunday, 1 January 2012

A Christmas Gift

As my wife and me stepped into The Royal Hampshire County hospital in Winchester in the morning of 23rd December 2011, little did we realise that this would be the day when we would see our sweet precious little (custom-made, of course) gift from heaven. We had waited for more than nine months, played with her, told her umpteen number of stories, sang her all the songs we knew, prepared our home and our hearts for her, and finally, after 40 weeks, were told that the baby was in a breech position. For the medical staff, a detail which was missed; for us a huge shock :), just because we literally ate TENS machines, gas & air and epidurals for breakfast, lunch and supper.

On 23rd morning, the doctor tried to turn the baby around with the ECV procedure, but our child wont budge (so much like her father, "Any less than 4 horns for the rabbit, sorry not listening.."). Baby Anna Claire was born at 14:27 via C-section that afternoon.

As I took her in my arms that day, and every single time I have looked at her after that, I can not but marvel at this wonder of Gods love. God does indeed love the world passionately.

Every single day since, I have asked myself and my God this question, "Lord, what did you see in us to entrust us with this precious child of yours. What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? (Ps 8:4)". And little by little, in my learning's as a father, I have understood more and more the unconditional love of the Father in Heaven. In the book of Job, the Lord asks Job, "Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?... Who marked off its dimensions?... who laid its cornerstone?" (Job 38). In the same way, my child, I do not know the moment you were conceived in your mothers womb, nor how you grew in there. My hands did not shape you, nor did I breathe life into you. I was not there to take care of your little fingers and toes, nor to cuddle you to sleep. But I do know the one whose hands did shape you and who did breathe his spirit of life into you, and its my life's purpose now to lead you to the knowledge of Him, who knew you before I even dreamt of you.

O Lord, your gift is perfect beyond all measure and comparison. When she smiles, my heart glows up. And when she cries, it is my heart that bleeds. Little by little, I am beginning to know the love of a father, and getting a glimpse of the love that let his son die for me and for you. A love that is difficult to comprehend, a love that is irrational, illogical, yet a love which sustains us.

From the moment daddy heard that you have started growing in mummy's tummy, daddy wanted to dedicate this song to you. To you, little angel from Heaven, with lots of love...

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